Summary:Results of morphological studies of pollen grains of 195 species (more than 300 specimens) belonging to 52 genera of the families Plantaginaceae і Scrophulariaceae (Lamiales s.1.) are reported: Gratiola, Scoparia, Ourisia, Chelone, Collinsia, Penstemon, Uroskinnera, Russelia, Antirrhinum, Chaenorhinum, Cymbalaria, Kickxia, Misopates, Linaria, Callitriche, Hippuris, Ellisiophyllum, Sibthorpia, Globularia, Campylanthus, Hemiphragma, Digitalis, Erinus, Hebe, Lagotis, Veronica, Wulfenia, Plantago, Alonsoa, Colpias, Diascia, Diclis, Hemimeris, Nemesia, Anthicharis, Aptosimum, Peliostomum, Eremophila, Myoporum, Scrophularia, Verbascum, Celsia, Limosella, Sutera, Zaluzianskya, Freylinia, Oftia, Phygelius, Teedia, Buddleja, Emorya, Gomphostigma. Palynomorphological descriptions are based on data of light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Each description is accompanied by citations of original herbarium labels of studied specimens.
Summary: The atlas contains more than 1000 original photomicrographs of pollen grains and is intended as a reference manual for studies of morphology of pollen grains of extant taxa and their identification in the fossil state.
Reading audience:The atlas is intended for palynomorphologists, polcopalynologists, plant taxonomists, teachers, lecturers and students of biological, ecological, and geological specialties of universities and other educational institutions.