Ignat Mykolayovych Korchagin has been born April 9, 1951 in the village of Topilno, Rozhyshche district, Volyn region, in a family of peasants.
In 1966 he graduated from the Topilno eight-year school and in 1968 from Rozhyshche secondary school.
In 1968-1973 he studied at the Faculty of Geology of Kyiv State University named after T. Shevchenko, where received the qualification of geologist-geophysicist.
After graduating from the university, I.M. Korchagin entered at the postgraduate study in the Institute of Geophysics named after S.I. Subbotin NAS of Ukraine. Since the end of postgraduate studies, he works at the Institute of Geophysics for the present.
One of the directions of I.M. Korkhagin's scientific investigation at the Institute of Geophysics is the development of mathematical, algorithmic, program and methodological support for the geophysical data processing and quantitative geological interpretation. According to the results of research on this problem, in 1980 the candidate's thesis was defended, and in 1994 - doctoral.
In recent years, I.M. Korchagin has been actively working on the problem of developing the mobile and operative methods of "direct" searches and exploration for the mineral deposits of various types.
During 1995-2005 he participated in nine complex sea expeditions on research vessels, including in the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Marine Antarctic expeditions in 1997 and 1998. He also took a direct part in the implementation of the research program of Ukraine in Antarctica. For the cycle of scientific works "Structure and dynamics of geophysical fields as a reflection of evolution and interaction of geospheres in Antarctica" by the Decree of the President of Ukraine No.440/2016, dated October 11, 2016, for I.M. Korchagin together with the author's collective was awarded the State Prize