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The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Scientific Staff of NAS of Ukraine
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NAS Ukraine
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Державні нагороди та відзнаки
НАН України
Наукові та науково-популярні заходи НАН України
Наукові та науково-прикладні розробки
Центри колективного користування приладами НАН України
Інформаційне наповнення сайту
Scientists in Institutions
Section of Physical, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Department of Mathematics
Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Ya. S. Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics
Center of Mathematical Modelling within Ya. S. Pidstryhach Institute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics
Department of Informatics
Cybernetic Center
V. M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Software Systems
Institute for Information Recording of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Space Research Institute under NAS of Ukraine and State Space Agency of Ukraine
Lviv centre of Institute for space research of National academy of sciences of Ukraine and State space agency of Ukraine
International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems under NAS and MES of Ukraine
Institute of Artificial Intelligence Problems under MES and NAS of Ukraine
Educational and Research Complex ‘Institute for Applied Systems Analysis’ of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space
Інститут прикладних систем управління
Department of mechanics and mechanical engineering
S. P. Timoshenko Institute of Mechanics
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
G. S. Pysarenko Institute for Problems of Strength
M.S. Poliakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Branch for Physics of Mining Processes of the M.S.Poliakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Scienses of Ukraine
Institute of Hydromechanics of NAS of Ukraine
‘Transmag’ Institute of Transport Systems and Technologies
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Institute of Physics
V. Ye. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics
G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Main Astronomical Observatory
V. G. Baryakhtar Institute of Magnetism of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Applied Problems of Physics and Biophysics
International Center ‘Institute of Applied Optics’
B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radio Physics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Radio Astronomy
Institute of Ionosphere of NAS and MES of Ukraine
Dоnetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering named after O.O.Galkin of the NAS of Ukraine
Institute for Condensed Matter Physics
Institute of Electron Physics
Department of Geosciences
Institute of Geological Sciences
State Institution "Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
State Scientific Institution "Center for Problems of Marine Geology, Geoecology and Sedimentary Ore Formation of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”
Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Poltava Gravimetric Observatory within S. I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics
Institute of Geography
M. P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine
Institute for Nature Management Problems and Ecology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
State Institution “Scientific Hydrophysical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”
State Institute Hydroacoustics Branch of Institute of Geophysics by S.I.Subbotin name of NAS of Ukraine
Ukrainian Research Hydrometeorological Institute under the Ministry for Emergencies and NAS
Research Center of simulation in ecology and recreational geography
State institution "Radioenvironmental Centre of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems
Відділення матеріалознавства НАН України
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Scientific Engineering Centre "Materialoobrobka explosion" Paton Electric Welding
International Association of "Welding"
V. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials
Institute for Problems of Materials Sciences National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Chernivtsi Branch of Frantsevych Institute for Problems of Materials Science
Physico-technological Institute of Metals and Alloys
Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
State Scientific Insitution "Institute for Single Crystals"
Institute for Single Crystals NAS of Ukraine
Institute for Scintillation Materials
Research Institute of Microdevices
Institute of Pulse Processes and Technologies
Iron and Steel Institute of Z.I.Nekrasov of NAS of Ukraine
Institute of Thermoelectricity under NAS and MES of Ukraine
Department of Power and Energy Technologies
Institute of Engineering Thermophysics NAS Ukraine
Anatolii Pidhornyi Institute of Power Machines and Systems of NAS of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
G. E. Pukhov Institute of Modelling Problem in Power Engineering
General Energy Institute
Gas Institute
Institute of Renewable Energy of the National Academy the Sciences of Ukraine
Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants NAS of Ukraine
State Institution "Institute technical problems magnetism of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine"
Specialized training department of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Igor Sikorsky" at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
State enterprise "State scientific and technical center for nuclear and radiation safety"
Department of Nuclear Physics and Power Engineering
National Science Center ‘Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology’
Institute for Nuclear Research
Institute of Applied Physics
State Institution "The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Institute of Electrophysics & Radiation Technologies
Center for Information-analytical and Technical Support of Nuclear Power Facilities Monitoring of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Section of Chemical and Biological Sciences
Department of Chemistry
L. V. Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry
V. I. Vernadsky Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry
Institute of Organic Chemistry
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
L. M. Litvinenko Institute of Physical-Organic Chemistry and Coal Chemistry
Department of Physical Chemistry of Fossil Fuels of the Institute of Physical-Organic Chemistry and Coal Chemistry named after L. M. Lytvynenko of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
A. V. Dumansky Institute of Colloid and Water Chemistry
A. V. Bogatsky Physico-Chemical Institute
Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry
V.P. Kukhar Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry
Institute for Sorption and Problems of Endoecology
F. D. Ovcharenko Institute of Biocolloidal Chemistry
Joint Department оf Electrochemical Energy Systems оf NAS оf Ukraine
Department of Biochemistry, Physiology and Molecular Biology
O. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry
Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology
D.K. Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology an Virology of the NASU
Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics
R. E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology
Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine
"Department of Biotechnical Problems in Diagnostic of Institute of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine National Academy of Science of Ukraine"
Institute of Cell Biology
State Scientific Institution "Center for Innovative Medical Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Department of General Biology
M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany
I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology
Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics
Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
International Institute of Cell Biology
Institute of hydrobiology National academy of sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Marine Biology of the NAS of Ukraine»
Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians
Government institution “Institute of food biotechnology and genomics National academy of sciences of Ukraine"
M. M. Gryshko National Botanic Garden
Donetsk Botanical Garden
Kryvyi Rih Botanical Garden of National Academy of Scienses of Ukraine
National Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
State Museum of Natural History
Institute for evolutionary ecology of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine
The National Arboretum "Sofiivka"
State arboretum "Olexandria"
Arboretum "Trostianets"
Black Sea Biosphere Reserve
Danube Biosphere Reserve
Ukrainian Steppe Nature Reserve
Lugansk Nature Reserve
Kherson Hydrobiological Station
Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas im.O.O.Kovalevskoho
Section of Social Sciences and Humanities
Department of Economics
State Institution "Institute of Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine"
Institute of Industrial Economics
Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
State organization 'V. Mamutov Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine'
State Organization “Institute of market and economic&ecological researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”
State Institution “Institute of regional research named after M.I. Dolishniy of NAS of Ukraine”
M.V. Ptukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
Zakarpattya regional centr for socio-economic and humanitarian research of the NAS, of Ukraine
Research Center for Industrial Problems of Development
Department of History, Philosophy and Law
Institute of History of Ukraine
M.S. Hrushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies
Lviv branch of the M.S.Hrushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies
I. Krypyakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies
Institute of Archaeology
National historical-archaeological reserve "Olbia"
A. Yu. Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies
Інститут політичних і етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І. Ф. Кураса
State Institution "Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
H.Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy
Odessa Archaeological Museum
V.M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of Natiopnal Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Lawmaking and Scientific-Legal Expertises of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Odessa Archaeological Museum
V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine
Lviv National Library of Ukraine named after V. Stefanyk
State institution "Institute of Encyclopedic Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences Of Ukraine
Department of Literature, Language and Art Criticism
Shevchenko Institute of Literature
State Іnstitution «Ivan Franko Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»
O. O. Potebnia Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Scciences of Ukraine
Institute for Ukrainian Language
Institute for Art Studies, Folklore and Ethnology
The Ethnology Institute National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Ukrainian Lingua-Information Foundation of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
International School of Ukrainian Studies
Institutions under Presidium of NAS of Ukraine
Donetsk Scientific Center
Publishing House "Akademperiodyca"
Western Scientific Center
North-East Scientific Center of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Prydneprovsk Research Center
Technical Center
State Institution "Center for evaluation of activity of research institutions and scientific support of regional development of Ukrainе NАS of Ukraine"
International Center for Astronomical and Medico-Ecological Research
Центр досліджень інтелектуальної власності та трансферу технологій НАН України
SI "National Scientific Centre for Medical and Biotechnical problems"
Research and Educational Center of Foreign Languages
State Research Institution "Kyiv Academic University"
Home Editorial Board scientific documentary series of books "Rehabilitated by History"
National center «Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»
Department of target training of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
State institution "Scientific center of mining, geology geoecology and infrastructure development of NAS of Ukraine"
State Institution «G.M. Dobrov Institute for Scientific and Technological Potential and Science History Studies of the NAS of Ukraine»
Scientists in Institutions
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Abdulakh Valerii Mykhailovych
Adieieva Liudmila Ivanivna
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Akhonin Dmytro S.
Akhonin Sergii V.
Academician of NAS
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Alekseienko Ihor Ivanovych
Alekseienko Tetiana Oleksandrivna
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Alʹoshyn Andriy O
Andriichuk Yevheniia Borysivna
Antipin Yevhen Valentynovych
Doctor of Philosophy of Technical Sciences
Babaiev Олександр Vasyliovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Babinets Anatolii Anatoliiovych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Bachurin Valerii Olekiievych
Baishtruk Yevhen Mykolaiovych
Barabash Volodymyr Valeriyovych
Barvinko Andrii Yuriiovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Barvinko Yurii Pavlovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Basystiuk Nazar Romanovych
Berdnikova Olena Mykolaivna
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Berezos Volodymyr Oleksandrovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Bernadska Iryna Vsevolodivna
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Bernatskyi Artemii Volodymyrovych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Bezushko Olha Mykolaivna
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Biktahirov Farit Kamilovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Bilous Valerii Y.
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Bilyi Oleksandr Ivanovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Bogachenko Oleksii Georgiiovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Bohaichyk Iryna Leonidivna
Boichuk Olga Ivanivna
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Boiko Fedora Stepanivna
Bondarenko Anatolii Mykolayevych
Bondarenko Oleksandr Hnatovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Bondarevа Valentyna Ivanivna
Boretskyi Volodymyr Volodymyrovych
Borodin Anatolii Ivanovych
Borovik Yaroslav Vladimirovich
Borusova Alla Lukivna
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Bovkun Vsktor Oleksiiovych
Brahinets Viktor I.
Brovchenko Nataliia Stanislavivna
Bryzhalin Andrii Hennadiiovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Budnik Yuliya Viktorivna
Bulash Volodymyr Mykolayevych
Burlachenko Oleksii Mukolaiovuch
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Burnashev Vitalii Rafatovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Bushma Oleksandr Ivanovuch
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Buynova Evgeniya Aleksandrovna
Bysko Volodymyr Oleksiiovuch
Chaika Alla Anatoliivna
Chala Lidiia Andriivna
Chapliuk Vasyl Ivanovych
Cherkashin Oleksandr Volodymyrovych
Cherviakov Mykola Olehovych
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Cherviakova Liudmyla Vasylivna
Chvertko Nataliia Anatoliivna
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Darkin Andrii Hennadiiovych
Davydov Yevheniy Oleksandrovich
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Dem’ianov Oleksii Ivanovych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Demchenko Valerii L.
Senior Researcher
Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Demchenko Vladimir F.
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Demchenko Уuriy Vladіmіrovuch
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Demchenkov Serhii Oleksiiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Demianov Ivan Adamovuч
Denysenko Anatolii Mykhailovych
Diachenko Dina Mikhailovna
Diadin Vitalii Petrovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Didikin Henadiy Геоrgiyovuch
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Didkovskyi Oleksandr Volodymyrovych
Dmytriienko Roman Ihorovych
Dolynenko Volodumur Volodumurovuch
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Doroshenko lidiya Konstantinivna
Dotsenko Ihor Volodymyrovych
Drachenko Mykola Petrovych
Dubko Andrii Grygorovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Dubova Tetyana Ivanivna
Dyban Volodymyr Oleksandrovych
Dyman Marianna Mykhailivna
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Fadieieva Halyna Viktorivna
Fainberh Leonid Iosypovych
Falchenko Yurii Viacheslavovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Fedorchuk Viktor Evgenovych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Fomakin Oleksandr Oleksandrovych
Fomin Andrey Alexandrovich
Gaivoronskyi Oleksandr Anatoliiovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Gavryk Andrii Romanovych
Gerasimenko Larisa Nikolaevna
Golovko Viktor Volodymyrovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Grzhegorzhevskaya Marina V.
Guryanov Alexander Nikolayevich
Hakh Ihor Serhiiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Halchun Anatolii Mykolaiovych
Halyniych Volodymyr Ilarionovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Hanchuk Andrii Volodymyrovych
Hanushchak Oleh V
Harder Dmytro A.
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Havrylenko Iryna Hryhorivna
Hazniuk Yurii Semenovych
Herasymenko Alla Mykhailivna
Hlukhovskii Viktor Yuriievych
Hlushchak Serhii Oleksandrovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Hnatushenko Oleksandr Vitaliiovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Hnizdylo Oleksandr Mykolaiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Hoidenko Viktor Mykhailovych
Honcharenko Larysa Valerianivna
Honcharenko Nataliia Volodymyrivna
Honcharenko Olena Ivanivna
Honcharov Ihor Oleksandrovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Honcharova Olha Mykolaivna
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Horbyk Volodymyr Mykhailovych
Hornostay Oleksiy Volodymyrovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Hos Ihor Dmytrovych
Hotsiuk Viktor Andriiovych
Hrabin Volodymyr Volodymyrovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Hryhorenko Svitlana Heorhiivna
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Hryshanov Arkadii Olersandrovych
Hryshchenko Oleksandr Petrovych
Hrytskiv Andrii Yaroslavovych
Hrytskiv Yaroslav Petrovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Hubatiuk Ruslan Serhievych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Hulianytska Nataliia Yevhenivna
Hushchin Kostiantyn Vitaliiovych
Ihnatov Anatolii Petrovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Ihnatusha Oleh Mykolaiovych
Iliushenko Valentyn Mykhailovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Ilyashenko Yevgeny Volodymyrovych
Doctor of Philosophy of Technical Sciences
Ipatova Zoia Heorhiivna
Ishchuk Yurii Tymofiiovych
Iurzhenko Maksym Volodymyrovych
Corresponding Member of NAS
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Ivanchenko Eduard Vasylovych
Ivanenko Tetiana Valentynivna
Ivantsov Oleksandr Vasylovych
Kachynskyi Volodymyr Stanislavovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kadyshev Andrii Andriiovych
Kakhovskyi Mykola Yuriiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kakhovskyi Yurii Mykolaiovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kaliuzhnyi Serhii Mykolaiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kalyniuk Mykola Mykolaiovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kalynyuk Oleksiy M.
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kandala Stepan Mykhailovych
Doctor of Philosophy of Technical Sciences
Kapitanchyk Leonid Musiiovych
Karmanov Mykhailo Mykolaiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Karpovа Svetlana Volodymyrivna
Karuskevych Olha Vitaliivna
Katok Oleg Anatoliiovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kavunichenko Oleksandr Vasylovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kharkivska Tatyana Nikolaevna
Khaskin Vladyslav Yuriiovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Khokhlov Maksym Andriiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Khokhlova Yuliia Anatoliivna
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Khomenko Nina Hryhorivna
Khomut·sʹkyy Serhiy Viktorovych
Khrushchov Heorhii Dmytrovych
Khrypko Kostiantyn Sergiiovych
Khudetsʹkyy Ihor Y.
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Kibkalo Andrii Mykhailovych
Kildii Andrii Ivanovych
Klapatiuk Andrii Vasyliovych
Klepko Oleksandra Yuriivna
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Klishchar Fedir Serhiiovych
Klochkov Illia Mykolaiovych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Klymenko Volodymyr Ivanovych
Knysh Vitalii Vasyliovych
Corresponding Member of NAS
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Kochura Vadym Olehovych
Koliada Volodymyr Oleksandrovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kolisnichenko Oleh Viktorovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kolisnyk Roman Valeriiovych
Doctor of Philosophy of Механічна інженерія
Kolomiiez Dmytro Vitaliovych
Kondratenko Volodymyr Yuriiovych
Konoreva Oksana V.
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Kopata Vitalii Mykolaiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Korab Mykola Heorhiiovych
Associate professor
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Korniienko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Korotenko Liudmyla Petrivna
Korotynskyi Oleksandr Yevtykhiiovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Korzhhyk Volodymyr Mykolaiovych
Corresponding Member of NAS
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Kosintsev Serhii Heorhiiovych
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Kostenevych Olena Serhiivna
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kostetskyi Yurii Vitaliiovych
Associate professor
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Kostin Valerii Anatoliiovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
kot Volodymyr Heorhiiovych
Kotelchuk Oleksandr Serhiiovych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Koval Mykola Iosypovych
Koval Valerii Anatoliiovych
Kovalchuk Maksym Oleksandrovych
Kovalchuk Oksana Viktorivna
Kovalchuk Petro Vasylovych
Senior Researcher
Doctor of Philosophy of Механічна інженерія
Kovalchuk Sergii Semenovych
Kovalenko Dmytro Vasylovych
Kovalenko Svitlana Yuriivna
Koziakov Ihor Oleksandrovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kozin Roman Valentynovych
Kozulin Serhii Mukhailovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kravchenko Pavlo Anatoliyovych
Krazhanovskyi Denys Mykolaiovych
Kremenchut·sʹkyy Oleksandr Serhiyovych
Krivtsun Ihor V.
Academician of NAS
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Krotenko Petro Dmytrovych
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Krushynska Larysa Anatoliivna
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Kryukov Valerii Anatoliiovych
Kryvko Vasyl Ivanovych
Kucher Larysa Vasylovna
Kulieshov Vasyl Andriiovych
Kulinich Mariia Vasylivna
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kurapov Yurii Anatoliiovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kurylo Volodymyr Andriiovych
Kushnarova Olha Serhiivna
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kushnerev Oleksandr Valeriiovych
Kuskov Yuriy Mykhailovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Kutyanova Irina Nikolaevna
Kuzmenko Heorhii Volodymyrovych
Kuzmenko Vitalii Pavlovych
Kuzmych-Ianchuk Yevhen Karlovych
Kuznetsova Larissa Vasylivna
Kyianets Iryna Vladyslavivna
Kyshnarova Tetiana Mykolaivna
Kyslytsia Oleksandr Mykolaiovych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kyslytsia Tetiana Yuriivna
Labur Tetiana Mykhailivna
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Lankin Yurii Mykolaiovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Larionov Arsenii Viacheslavovych
Lebedeva Olena Arkadiivna
Lentiuhov Ivan Pavlovych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Levchuk Andrii Mykolaievych
Lisovsʹkyy Yuriy H
Lobanov Leonid M.
Academician of NAS
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Lobanova Halyna Leonidivna
Lohinova Yuliia Volodymyrivna
Lopatkina Kateryna Hordiivna
Lukashenko Volodymyr Andriiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Lukianchenko Yevgeniia Pavlivna
Lyahovna Inna Vasylivna
Lyakhovetsʹ Oleksandr A.
Lysak Vasyl Vasyliovych
Lysiuchenko Petro Petrovych
Lytvyn Stanislav Yehorovych
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Lytvynenko Andrii Yevtukhovych
Lyubovna Lyudmyla Borisivna
Maidanchuk Taras Borysovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Makhnenko Oleh Volodymyrovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Makovetska Olha Kostiantynivna
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Maksymenko Andrii Oleksiiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Maksymov Sergiy Yuriiovycyh
Corresponding Member of NAS
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Maksymova Svitlana Vasylivna
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Malakhov Anatolii Tymofiiovych
Malakhova Liudmyla Mykhailivna
Malhin Mykhailo H.
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Malysheva Dina Ivanivna
Manhold Andrii Mykolaiovych
Marchenko Anatolii Yukhymovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Mariakhina Tetiana Vasylivna
Martynova Larysa Valentynivna
Maruchenko Alex Vasilovich
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Masalov Dmytro Volodymyrovych
Masiuchok Olha Pavlivna
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Matsas Yevhen Evheniiovych
Matviichuk Vladyslav Anatoliivych
Mazas Yevhen Yevhenovych
Mazur Oleksandr Anatoliievych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Mazurak Vasyl Evhenovych
Melnychenko Tetiana Vsevolodivna
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Mikhodui Olga Leonidovna
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Milenin Oleksii Serhiiovych
Senior Researcher
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Mirianin Volodymyr Mykolaiovych
Mishchenko Dmytro Dmytrovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Mokhniuk Anatolii Andrievych
Moltasov Andrii Valeriiovych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Moravetskyi Serhii Ivanovych
Motriy Vitaliy I.
Motrunich Sviatoslav Ihorovych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Murashov Anatolii Petrovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Muzhychenko Oleksandr Fedorovych
Nabok Taras Mykolaiovych
Nakonechnyi Andrii Oleksandrovych
Nakonechnyi Oleksandr Olersiievych
Naumenko Maksym P.
Naumeyko Sergiy Mykhailovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Nedelko Maksym Serhiiovych
Nedosieka Stanislav Anatoliiovych
Senior Researcher
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Neilo Inna Oleksiivna
Nesina Iryna Valeriivna
Nesterenkov Volodymyr M.
Corresponding Member of NAS
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Nesterova Olena Ivanivna
Netyaha Anton V
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Nikritin Oleksii Leonidovych
Nimko Maksym Oleksandrovych
Novodranov Artur Serhiyovych
Novykov Serhii Volodymyrovych
Nykytenko Yurii Oleksandrovyt
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Nyrkova Liudmyla Ivanivna
Senior Researcher
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Okopnik Larysa Leonidivna
Oleinychenko Tymofii Viktorovych
Olevska Liudmyla Pavlivna
Oliinyk Yurii Vitaliiovych
Onyshchenko Pavlo Serhiyovych
Orsa Yurii Viktorovych
Osadchuk Svitlana Oleksiivna
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Osin Vladyslav Volodumurovuch
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Osokin Valentyn Oleksandrovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Osynska Svitlana Volodymyrivna
Osypenko Iryna Heraldivna
Overko Serhii Heorhiiovych
Ovsienko Marina Anatoliivna
Palamarchuk Tetyana Evgenievna
Paliienko Oleksandr Leonidovych
Panasiuk Valerii Volodymyrovych
Panchenko Tetyana Vladimirovna
Panteleimonov Evhenii Oleksandrovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Parshutina Liudmyla Serhiivna
Pashchyn Mykola Oleksandrovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Pastovenskii Roman Olehovych
Pavlov Oleksii Hennadiiovych
Pedchenko Yevhen Oleksandrovych
Pekar Yevhenii Danylovych
Pereplotchykov Evgen Fedorovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Pestov Valeriy Arkadiyovut
Petrenko Volodymyr Leonіdоvych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Petriyenko Lyudmyla Pavlivna
Petrov Denys Anatoliiovych
Petrov Oleksii Viktorovych
Petrov Viktor Viktorovych
Petrova Tetyana Serhiyivna
Petruk Vadym Stanislavovych
Petrushynets Liliia Viacheslavovna
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Petrychenko Iryna Kostiantynivna
Petushkov Ihor Volodymyrovych
Piskun Nataliia Vasylivna
Senior Researcher
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Pivtorak Nina Ivanivna
Pokliatskii Anatolii Hryhorovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Polanska Olga Stanislavovna
Polieshchuk Mykhailo Anatoliiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Polishko Hanna Oleksiivna
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Polovetskyi Yevhen Viktorovych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Polukhin Valerii Vasylovych
Ponomareva Evgenia Yuryevna
Popov Valerii Viacheslavovych
Popov Yevhen Vyacheslavovych
Porokhonko Vitalii Bohdanovych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Postryhan Viktor Andriiovych
Posypaiko Yurii Mykolaiovych
Pozniakov Valerii D.
Academician of NAS
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Prokofiev Oleksii Serhiiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Protokovilov Ihor Viktorovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Protsenko Nadiia Oleksiivna
Prudkyi Ihor Ivanovych
Prykhodko Vitalii Viktorovych
Prylypko Olena Oleksandrivna
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Pustovit Serhii Leonidovych
Puzrin Oleksandr Leonidovych
Pysarev Anatolii Mykolaiovych
Rabkina Maryana Danylivna
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Radchenko Leonid Maksymovych
Radziyevska Alla Adolyivna
Reznіk Sergiy Anvtolіyovich
Riabets Yurii Anatoliiovych
Riabokon Volodymyr Demydovych
Riabtsev Igor Igorovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Riabtsev Kostiantyn Viktorovych
Romanenko Irina Nikolaevna
Romanenko Oleksandr V.
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Romanov Valerii Herasymovych
Romanova Iryna Yuriivna
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Romashko Dmytro Vasylovych
Rozynk Halyna Pylypivna
Rudenko Oleksandr Eduardovych
Rudtnko Petro Mykhailovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Rusynyk Maksym Olehovych
Ryabtsev Igor Oleksandrovych
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Rybakov Anatolii Oleksandrovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Rybytsʹka Inna Oleksandrivna
Rymar Sergii Volodymyrovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Sabytsaia Olena Mykhailivna
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Samofalov Oleksiy Valentynovych
Samoilenko Viktor Ivanovych
Samoilova Tamara Hryhorivna
Samotriasov Serhii Mykhailovych
Saprykina Halyna Yuriivna
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Saraiev Anton Yevhenovych
Savenko Valentyn Oleksiiovych
Savytskyi Oleksandr Mykhailovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Savytskyi Viktor V.
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Selin Roman Volodymyrovych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Seliverstova Olha Borysivna
Semeniuk Natalia Grigorievna
Semenov Oleksii Petrovych
Semikin Valerii Feodosiiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Serduki Viktor Kostiantynovych
Severyn Andrii Yuriievych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Shadrin Andrii Oleksandrovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Shalaiev Volodymyr Olersiiovych
Shapovalov Evgenii Viktorovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Shapovalov Viktor Oleksandrovych
Corresponding Member of NAS
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Sharipova Tatyana Grigorievna
Shatan Oleksandr Fedorovych
Shekero Andrii Leonidovych
Shepelyuk Julia Anatolievna
Shevchenko Ihor Yakovych
Shevchenko Valentyna Petrivna
Shevchenko Vitalii Yukhymovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Shevchuk Serhii Anatoliiovych
Shkarupa Serhiy Mykhaylovych
Shkrabaliuk Yurii Mykolaiovych
Shkurat Inna Leonidovna
Shlepakov Valerii Mykolaiovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Shulym Viktor Fedorovych
Shutkevych Oleksii Petrovych
Doctor of Philosophy of Technical Sciences
Shvab Serhii Leonidovych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Shvets Valentyna Ivanivna
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Shyian Kostiantyn Volodymyrovych
Shylo Yurii Anatoliiovych
Shyshkevych Oleksandr Stanislavovych
Siora Oleksandr Vasyliovych
Sirenko Serhii Petrovych
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Sirenko Volodymyr Ivanovych
Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Skopiuk Mykhailo Ivanovych
Skoryna Mykola Vitaliiovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Skriabinskyi Volodymyr Viktorovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Skulskyi Valentyn Yuriiovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Sokolovsʹkyy Mykola Volodymyrovych
Solovei Sergii Oleksandrovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Starovirova Nataliia Hryhorivna
Statkevych Ihor Ivanovych
Stavyskyi Serhii Vasylovych
Stefaniv Bogdan Vasyliovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Stelʹmakh Dmytro I.
Stelmakh Yaroslav Anatoliiovych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Stepaniuk Serhii Mykolaiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Stepchenko Dmytro Mykolaiovych
Stoliarova Tetiana Oleksandrivna
Strashko Roman Vasylovych
Strohonov Dmytro Vadymovych
Doctor of Philosophy of Technical Sciences
Suchek Oleksandr Mykhailovych
Sukhoiarskyi Vitalii Eduardovych
Sulima Antonina Ilyinivna
Suprun Serhii Olersandrovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Sviridova Iryna S.
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Sydorenko Valerii Mykhailovych
Sydoruk Volodymyr Stepanovych
Associate professor
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Syneok Oleksandr Heorhiievych
Syniuk Volodymyr Serhiievych
Sysoev Volodymyr Yuriiovych
Syvolapenko Yurii Oleksandrovych
Tahanovskyi Viacheslav Mykhailovych
Taranova Tetiana Hlebivna
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Tepliuk Viktor Mykhailovych
Tereshchenko Oleksiy S.
Ternovyi Yevhen Heorhoiovych
Titkov Yevhenii Petrovych
Doctor of Philosophy of Механічна інженерія
Tkach Iryna Henadiivna
Tkach Pavlo Mykolaiovych
Associate professor
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Tkachenko Borys Tymofiiovych
Tkachenko Serhii Viktorovych
Tkachenko Viktor Arkadiiovych
Todorovych Nina Leonidivna
Topchev Dmytro Dmytrovych
Torop Vasul Mukhailovuch
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Tovstyi Serhii Mykolaiiovych
Trofimiak Vasyl Mykolaiovych
Trofimova Nataliia Volodymyrivna
Troitskyi Volodymyr Oleksandrovych
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Troyitska Natalia Vladimirovna
Tsarenko Larisa V.
Tsarinnyi Oleksii Borysovych
Tsaryuk Anatolii Korniiovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Tsepov Serhii Viacheslavovych
Tsymbalista Tetiana Voloymyrivna
Tunik Alla Yuriivna
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Tur Liudmula Viktorivna
Tymoshenko Oleksandr Mykytovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Tyshchenko Oleksandr Fedorovych
Tyshchenko Oleksandr Ivanovych
Tyshchenko Viktor Oleksiiovych
Ustinov Anatolii Ivanovych
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Vashchenko Oleh Yuriiovych
Vashchenko Volodymyr Mykolaiovych
Vasylchenko Valerii Andriievych
Vasyliev Dmytro Viktorovych
Vdovychenko Dmytro M.
Vdovychenko Ivan M
Velikoivanenko Olena Andriivna
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Veretilnyk Oleksandr Vitaliiovych
Vertetska Iryna Volodymyrivna
Vientsev Serhii Dmytrovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Vihilianska Nataliia Viktorivna
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Vlasenko Valerii Serhiiovych
Vodolazsʹkyy Valeriy YE.
Voinarovych Serhii Hryhorovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Voitenko Oleksandr Mykolaiiovych
Doctor of Philosophy of Механічна інженерія
Volkov Serhii Symonovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Volkov Valentyn Sergiiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Volos Oleksandr Vasylovych
Volosatov Ivan Rostyslavovych
Voloshkevych Iryna Georgiivna
Vorobyov Valeriy M.
Associate professor
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Voronchuk Oleksandr Pavlovych
Voronin Serhii Oleksiiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Voronov Vitalii Viacheslavovych
Senior Researcher
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Vrzhyzhevskyi Eduard Leonovych
Vynohradov Mykola Andriiovych
Vynohradova Olena Mykolaivna
Yakusha Volodymyr Viktorovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Yantsevych Karolina Vitaliivna
Yaremenko Mykhailo Andriiovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Yarosh Vadym Petrovych
Yarosh Vitalii Yevhenovych
Yarovytsyn Oleksandr Valentynovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Yashchuk Viktor Antonovych
Yashnyk Artem Mykolaiovych
Yavdoshina Olena Fedorovna
Yavorska Mariia Romanivna
Yelahin Valerii Pavlovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Yeremeieva Liubov Tymofiivna
Yerokhin Oleksiy H.
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Yevdokymenko Anton Serhiiovych
Yukhymets Petro Serhiiovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Yuliuhin Viktor Kostiantynovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Yurchenko Yuriy V
Yurko Liudmyla Yakivna
Yushchenko Andrii Oleksandrovych
Zaderiaka Yurii Petrovych
Zaderii Borys Oleksiiovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Zadoia Vasyl Hryhorovych
Zahornikov Volodymyr Ivanovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Zaitsev Volodymyr Anatoliiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Zaitseva Nadiya Ivanivna
Zakharov Leonid Stepanovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Zaliznyy Oleksandr Petrovych
Zavdovieiev Anatolii Viktorovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Zavertannyi Myroslav Sergiiovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Zelenin Yehor Vitaliiovych
Zelnichenko Oleksandr Tymofiiovych
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Zhdanov Serhii Leonidovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Zhdanov Volodymyr Oleksandrovych
Zhersiekov Anatolii Maksymovych
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Zhukov Viktor Viktorovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Zhukovа Raisa Mykhaylivna
Zhyrov Denys Mykhailovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Ziakhor Ihor Vasyliovych
Senior Scientist
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Zviahintseva Hanna Vitaliivna
Senior Scientist
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Zvolinskyi Ihor Volodymyrovych
Крикент Ігор Валентинович
Associate professor
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Подпрятов Сергій Євгенійович
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Relevance, completeness and validity of data is provided by
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Інститут програмних систем НАН України
, 2023