202 Certificate of State registration of print media: | КВ № 18431-7231Р of 02 December 2011 | Edition: | journal | Type of edition: | scientific and practical | Scope of distribution: | national | Published since: | 2010 | Periodicity: | Annually | ISSN: | | Language: | Ukrainian | Website: | http://almanahprava.org.ua/ | More information: | | Category editions: | Journals institutions of NAS of Ukraine |
202 Institution publisher: | Lviv National Library of Ukraine named Stefanik | Editorial Office: | Інститут держави і права ім. В.М. Корецького НАН України, вул. Трьохсвятительська, 4, к. 202, Київ, 01001, Україна | Tel.: | (0-44) 278-8024 | Fax: | (0-44) 278-8024 | E-mail: | teorija06@inbox.ru |
202 | Lviv National Library of Ukraine named Stefanik
(Department of History, Philosophy and Law)
202 Aims and Scope: Scientific studies of fundamental problems of the theory and history of law, theory of the state, pressing issues of legal state building, development and operation of a national legal system, effectiveness of comparative law legislation, current issues of legal reform.