230 Certificate of State registration of print media: | КВ № 17299-6069Р of 18 November 2010 | Edition: | collection | Type of edition: | scientific | Scope of distribution: | national | Published since: | 2004 | Periodicity: | Annually | ISSN: | | Language: | Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian, Polish | Website: | | More information: | | Category editions: | Collection institutions of the of NAS Ukraine |
230 Institution publisher: | Ukrainian Institute of Archeology and Source Studies. MSGrushevsky | Editorial Office: | M.S. Hrushevskyi Institute of Archeology and Ukrainian Source of the NAS of Ukraine, 4, Triokhsviatytelska str., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine | Tel.: | | Fax: | | E-mail: | |
230 | Львівський музей історії релігії |
230 | Ukrainian Institute of Archeology and Source Studies. MSGrushevsky
(Department of History, Philosophy and Law)
230 |
(Department of History, Philosophy and Law)
230 Aims and Scope: Publishing of sources of materials and research on archeology, historiography, source, special historical disciplines, history of Ukraine and world history.