289 Certificate of State registration of print media: | КВ № 5562 of 18 October 2001 | Edition: | journal | Type of edition: | scientific and theoretical | Scope of distribution: | national | Published since: | 1967 | Periodicity: | 6 time per year | ISSN: | 0027-2833 | Language: | Ukrainian, English | Website: | http://www.inmo.org.ua/jm.html | More information: | | Category editions: | Journals NAS Ukraine |
289 Institution publisher: | International School of Ukrainian Studies | Editorial Office: | O.O. Potebnia Institute of Linguistics of the NAS of Ukraine, 4, M. Hrushevskyi str., Kyiv-1, 01001, Ukraine | Tel.: | (0-44) 279-2964 | Fax: | (0-44) 278-7182 | E-mail: | movoznJournal@ukr.net |
289 | National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |
289 | International School of Ukrainian Studies
(Department of Literature, Language and Art Criticism)
289 Aims and Scope: Problems of modern linguistics, development of grammar, language stylistics, history of language, theory and methodology, structure and functioning of Ukrainian and other Slavonic languages.