58 Certificate of State registration of print media: | КВ № 15017-3889ПР of 16 March 2009 | Edition: | journal | Type of edition: | scientific | Scope of distribution: | national | Published since: | 1996 | Periodicity: | 4 time per year | ISSN: | ISSN 2415-3400 (Online), ISSN 1028-821X (Print) | Language: | Ukrainian, Russian, English | Website: | http://re-journal.org.ua/uk | More information: | The articles of journal are republished in English in journal “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" by Begell House, Inc.
Abbreviated key title: Radiofiz. Elektron. | Category editions: | Journals NAS Ukraine |
58 Institution publisher: | O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radio Physics and Electronics | Editorial Office: | O. Ya. Usykov Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics of the NAS of Ukraine, 12, akad. Proskura str., Kharkiv, 61085, Ukraine | Tel.: | (0-57) 720-3471, 315-0006 | Fax: | (0-57) 315-2105 | E-mail: | nti@ire.kharkov.ua |
58 | National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |
58 | O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radio Physics and Electronics
(Department of Physics and Astronomy)
58 Aims and Scope: Basic problems of radio physics, including quantum, electronics of microwaves, physics of solid and plasma, radio-location, research of surface of Earth, atmosphere and near space by radio-physical methods, biophysics.