Summary:Друга частина видання, присвяченого сучасному розвитку муніципальної геральдики та прапорництва в Україні. Матеріал викладений у формі каталога гербів і прапорів, затверджених місцевими радами і вживаними тепер як офіційні символи міст і сіл.
Reading audience:Для науковців, викладачів, істориків, краєзнавців, студентів і всіх, хто цікавиться історією й українською геральдикою та вексилологією.
Summary:Since 1990 the Ukrainian Heraldry Society has actively conducted research in heraldry and vexillology. In a relatively short span of time a great deal of work has been conducted in archives, a lot of heretofore unknown materials has been discovered, and Ukrainian and foreign heraldry (mainly that of neighboring countries) has been studied. On this basis the main principles and rules of modern Ukrainian municipal heraldry and vexillology have been developed. Wideranging discussions on these issues were held at annual heraldic conferences and, as a result, the methodology and basic principles of modern heraldic art have been elaborated by Dr. Andriy Grechylo. The results of theoretical studies are being implemented gradually by providing free consultations to local authorities, expert evaluations, or preparing designs to order.Through the efforts of society members it was possible to both renew old symbols and to create new emblems and flags for more than 2000 towns and villages in Ukraine. Obviously, only a scholarly approach and the organization of existing symbols in accordance with heraldic norms in addition to new heraldic designs will enable the creation of a science firmly based on a system of municipal and territorial heraldry and vexillology. The Ukrainian Heraldry Society coordinates work in these fields and regularly provides assistance to local authorities.