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Powder materials adapted for gas-flame and gas-dynamic technologies for protective coatings
Author (leader) -
Stasiuk Oleksandr Oleksandrovych
G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the Nat
Executant -
Boshko Oleh Ihorovych
G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the Nat
Executant -
Oryshych Denys V
G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the Nat
Executant -
Pakula Dmytro L.
G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the Nat
Currently, one of the important problems in the industry is the restoration of machine parts and mechanisms. Despite the large number of surface restoration methods, not all of them can be used due to the aggressive environment or high temperatures in the treatment area, which is unacceptable. Using the method of cold gas-dynamic spraying will allow to work without an aggressive environment and expand the scope. Modification of the initial powder materials will allow to obtain a new class of coatings. Today, there is a global problem widely known as COVID-19, and the only protection against the virus is to reduce its rate of spread. Currently, most surfaces that people come in contact with are steel on which the virus can exist for more than a week, while on copper surfaces the virus lives for no more than four hours. It is important to study the formation of copper coatings obtained by cold gas-dynamic spraying (because this method is economical and easy to use), as well as obtaining composite powders based on copper to improve the performance of details and mechanisms. The aim of this project is to research composite powder mixtures, features of the effect of the initial composition and pre-treatment on the properties of coatings obtained by cold gas-dynamic and gas-flame spraying. The obtained results can be used to establish industrial production (import substitution) of metal powder materials for the needs of Ukrainian industry. In particular, it is planned to obtain a patent for the developed powder mixtures for gas-dynamic technology of forming coatings with specified properties. Practical testing of the results will be carried out in industrial conditions.
Інститут програмних систем НАН України
, 2023