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Інформаційне наповнення сайту
Sintering and study of the structure and thermal properties of bionanocomposites reinforced by nanostructures for applications as human bone implants
Author (leader) -
Барабашко Максим Сергійович
B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Eng
Executant -
Basnukaeva Razet Magomedivna
B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Eng
Executant -
Horbatenko Yulia Viktorivna
B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Eng
Executant -
Hurova Diana Yevheniivna
B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Eng
Executant -
Cherednychenko Serhii Volodymyrovych
B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Eng
The aim of the work is to create new bionanocomposites and study the effect of graphene oxide and multiwall carbon nanotubes on the structure and thermal properties of these composites, which is important for the development of bone replacement implants with biocompatibіlity, osteoconductivity and mechanical properties similar to human bone. The weak mechanical properties of calcium phosphate ceramics do not allow using it in places of defects, where the implant is exposed to high mechanical loads. The possible solution to improve the mechanical properties of HA is the use of carbon nanomaterials as an additive. The high-temperature sintering of ceramics after compaction of the powder under pressure is one of the simplest methods for creation such materials. Accumulation of internal stresses and cracking of ceramic material during sintering can occur due to no uniform heating of different parts of ceramics. This is due to the low thermal conductivity of HA ceramics, which also changes with increasing temperature. High thermal properties, such as thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of multiwall carbon nanotubes, graphene oxide can be used to minimize the disadvantages associated with low thermal conductivity of HA. Scientific results expected in the project will be aiming to creation of new materials based on calcium phosphates with the additives of carbon nanomaterials. Information about the structure of the new composites and thermal properties of its components will be useful for proposing the mechanism for improving the structure and mechanical properties of such materials. The results of the project will be important for predicting and analyzing the effect of thermal properties of carbon nanomaterials such as graphene, graphene oxide, multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the resulting thermal, structural and mechanical properties of calcium phosphate-based biocomposites such as hydroxyapatite.
Інститут програмних систем НАН України
, 2023