Summary:Монографія присвячена творчості сербського письменника другої половини XX століття Данила Кіша. У праці проаналізовано художню прозу Кіша, його есеї та інтерв’ю з точки зору екзистенціалістських ідей та художніх форм, які ці ідеї реалізовують, представлено історико-літературний контекст творчості Данила Кіша, філософію його творчості.
Reading audience:Книгу адресовано літературознавцям, студентам-філологам та всім, хто цікавиться сучасною літературою.
Summary:This work is devoted to the paradigms and poetics of the prose by Danilo Kiš, a Serbian writer of the 2nd half of the 20th century. The principal literary factors which influenced the formation of the artistic style, and the historical and cultural context of the works of D. Kiš are here defined. The analysis of the main components of the philosophical-aesthetic paradigms of D. Kiš and their artistic embodiment showed their coordination in the context of postwar modernism. Kiš’s prose is examined in the existentialistic aspect. Typical existentialist themes in his works such as death, fear, alienation, loneliness, absurdity are analyzed. The existentialist paradigm is complemented by the antitotalitarian narrative, Jewish discourse and the toposes of the city. It was established that the basic features of the main patterns of the prose by D. Kiš are the documentary and the lyrical.
Summary:The formal, temporal-spatial, narrative characteristics and the cinematic techniques of the prose by D. Kiš are systematically analyzed.