Вийшла книга провідного наукового співробітника Інституту філософії ім. Г.С. Сковороди НАН України члена-кореспондента НАН України Назіпа Хамітова «Війна вУкраїні і новий гуманізм: Давид проти Голіафа».
Книга вже виходила в журналах українською у скороченій версії, а тепер публікується декількома іноземними мовами в окремих виданнях – для того, щоб світ дізнався про реалії війни, у трагічному вирі якої знаходяться українці, і був налаштований на перемогу України. Суть цієї перемоги, на переконання автора, полягає у збереженні і розвитку цивілізаційної суб’єктності України.
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виданням англійською мовою Ознайомитися з
виданням болгарською мовою The modern global world is at such a point of social bifurcation, which determines the choice of the vector of civilization development: will this development go in the direction of improving democracy, increasing the level and quality of life of the vast majority of the inhabitants of the global community, as well as overcoming climatic and other environmental threats, or will the global community degrade towards totalitarianism and neo-totalitarianism, which can lead to a series of destructive wars and an irreversible ecological disaster. The right choice, which contributes to a free and dignified human life, is possible when the majority of society members, led by the cultural elite, work purposefully to improve their own ethos, which is filled with the features of new humanism. Nazip Khamitov's book, published in English and Bulgarian in Bulgaria by the authoritative publishing house of intellectual literature KIBEA, is devoted to this current issue.
The aggressor in the war against the democratic world tries to morally justify the war against humanity not only in mass media, but also in wide informational social networks. It is possible to oppose this only from the standpoint of the correct values of the new humanism.
The author draws attention to the fact that countries with totalitarian political regimes spread the ideology and practice of anti-humanity in the world, similar to the actions of Hitler and Stalin during the Second World War, and from the position of force and threats of force, they promote inhumanity in mass media. Indeed, in the modern world, a person falls into a maelstrom of information flows and this can lead to the fact that he or she can become a Google-thinking being who can lose touch with the basic meanings of life. In these conditions, the most important thing is that he or she preserves his or her own humanity, which is based on the fundamental values of human survival and development. One of the main leitmotifs of the book is a warning against a person in the existential struggle against totalitarianism and neo-totalitarianism, where the stake is life and death, does not take a common side with evil, adopting the traits of the latter, but remains humane. This is the asymmetry of the actions of the good side - to give supporters of totalitarianism a chance to get rid of aggressiveness and misanthropy. After all, humanity must eventually come to deny the right to exist to those political regimes that resort to the politics of ethnocide and ecocide.
At the center of this global confrontation is Ukraine, which restrains the aggression of Russian neo-totalitarianism and averts the spread of this aggression to the territory of highly civilized democratic countries. This war is part of the global confrontation between democracy and totalitarianism, which is, in essence, the Second Cold War. The author believes that civil society needs to purposefully introduce the idea of a new humanism into the global public consciousness as something that should overcome the war against humanity. The Ukrainian people strive for the most complete embodiment of the idea of new humanism, which is based on the golden rule of morality: "treat others as you would like them to treat you", and make a moral effort to avoid situations in which it is necessary to react for evil with evil. This, in fact, should carry out a value revolution in the consciousness of large groups of people in many countries of the world in order to overcome military threats, and, along with what is no less important, to save the planet from a climate catastrophe. The author notes that the Ukrainian people have come a long way in social and moral development over the past thirty years, and currently, in the face of attacks on civilian infrastructure and residential buildings by enemy bombs and missiles, they are showing great resilience and courage, being at the edge of the struggle against totalitarianism for the well-being and peaceful future of all humanity.
The author supplements the existential issues with a meta-anthropological and socio-cultural analysis of the complex multifaceted crisis in which humanity found itself after February 24, 2022. The author notes that in the 21st century, in the age of the Internet and social networks, the situation of existential struggle against neo-totalitarianism, which resorts to mimicry under democracy and freedom of speech, is becoming more complicated. In order to defeat neo-totalitarianism, citizens of various countries must develop immunity to its post-truth information methodology.
The war must not end in a hybrid peace, which is an interweaving of war and peace, and which may inevitably lead to a new war in the short or medium term. True peace should not degrade the dignity of one of the parties. The author notes that the Ukrainian people have their own identity, developed over centuries, and worldview tolerance, which was manifested in the ability to adopt the mental traits of other peoples and their cultures into their own culture. Ukraine, in this anti-colonial war for independence, must contribute to the decolonization of the enslaved peoples of the Russian Federation, including a significant part of the Russians themselves, to their liberation and the creation of a state within a civilized framework by resisting aggression on the battlefield. Only this should lead to the transformation of the aggressive political regime of the Russian Federation and overcome the military threat not only to Ukraine, but also to many democratic countries.
За інформацією Інституту філософії імені Г.С. Сковороди НАН України