Taxonomic, floristic, phytocoenic, sociological and ecological research of phyto- and mycobiote, working-out of theoretical questions of organization and dynamics of phyto-and cenotic diversity, their monitoring and protection
Research of the structural and functional organization of plants and fungi on the organism, cellular and molecular levels in normal and with changing environmental conditions of natural and anthropogenic origin, including factors of space flight
• з’ясування фізіолого-біохімічних і молекулярно-генетичних закономірностей стійкості та адаптації рослинних систем
• дослідження фотосинтезу, мінерального живлення рослин, біологічної азотфіксації та можливостей використання біологічно активних речовин і сполук із гербіцидною активністю
• вивчення механізмів генетичних процесів з метою розроблення наукових основ селекції рослин
• збереження й раціональне використання рослинних генофондів, створення нових біо- і нанотехнологій, отримання та вивчення генетично модифікованих організмів
Investigation of the biodiversity and functioning of freshwater ecosystems as the basis for the development of technologies for biological indication, monitoring and management of ecological state of the water bodies;
Assessment and forecasting of fish fauna state in the water bodies of different types for the environmental management and conservation of fishes diversity;
Investigation of physical and chemical bases of a migration, transformation and biological effects on hydrobionts of radionuclide and chemical
Molecular, cellular and physiological researches of aquatic organisms as a basis for the development of highly efficient technologies of aquaculture
the fundamental foundations of the structural and functional organization of marine ecosystems, estuaries and prehistory territories in conditions of climate change and anthropogenic loading
development of scientific principles for monitoring marine ecosystems, management of the quality of the marine environment and ecological management
biological diversity and assessment of the biological resource potential of the Azov-Black Sea basin, justification of the methodological aspects of the formation of the marine ecological network of Ukraine
– Fundamental research on the evolution of biosphere and geosphere, on biological and geological diversity, ecology of organisms, stratigraphy, and natural history museology
Development of applied methods for conservation and restoration of the natural diversity.
Development of methodological backgrounds of the functioning and advancement of Ukrainian natural history museums and of their integration into the European and global informational space
Development of methodological backgrounds of the functioning and advancement of Ukrainian natural history museums and of their integration into the European and global informational space
Creation, enrichment, conservation and investigation of the museum collections and exhibitions; scientific and educational work; popularization of science, cultural enlightenment
complex investigations of ground and water ecosystems, including the biodiversity and updating the periodical "Chronicles of Nature"
development of scientific basis of environmental protection and sustainable development
scientific analysis of the state of environment affected by anthropogenic activity