Born on 5.07.1937 in the village of Sadon in North Ossetia. Graduated from Kiev University (1959). In 1969-97 he worked at the Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (since 1985 - head of the department), since 1997 - chief scientist,since 2000 - Head of Department of the Institute of Environmental Geochemistry, NAS of Ukraine.
Scientific works are devoted to geology, petrology and ore formation. Аuthor more than 240 scientific works, including 45 monographs. For the first tim justified the isobaric regional metamorphic zoning in the Precambrian region of the Ukrainian Shield. His scientific activity is related to the study of the thermodynamics of the Earth's crust, atmosphere and biosphere under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. Since the 2000s, research has focused on current environmental and geochemical problems associated with the development of nuclear power in Ukraine, in particular the study of crystalline massifs as a potential environment for the construction of long-term radioactive waste storage facilities.