T. P. Yegorova (family name Gryadovkina) was born in 1954 in the c. Vitebsk, Belarus, in the family of employees. In 1974 she graduated Kyiv Geological College, and in 1981 - Kyiv State University on the specialty "Geophysical methods of prespecting and exploration of mineral deposits". She worked as a geophysicist at the Institute of UkrYuzhGiproKommunStroy (c.Odessa, 1974-1975), by an engineer at the Institute of Geochemistry and Physics of Minerals of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1976-1979), as an engineer-geophysicist in the Volyn Party of the Compex Geophysical Expedition of the "Sevukrgeologiya" trust (1979 - 1985).
In the Institute of Geophysics of Academy of Sciences of the USSR she has been working since 1986. In 1989, she entered the post-graduate course at the Institute of Geophysics. After graduating the postgraduate study in 1991 he defended her Ph.D. thesis. Scientific degree of the Doctor of Geological Sciences she defended in 2006 at the Institute of Geophysics of the NASU on the theme: "The European Lithosphere according to the data of gravity modeling". After defense, she continued to work on construction of three-dimensional geophysical models of lithosphere not only of Europe, but also of the Black Sea and Western Antarctica regions. She is involved in interpretation of recent seismic experiments on international seismic profiles DOBRE-5 (northern part of the Black Sea - Crimean peninsula), GEORIFT 2013 (Dnieper-Donets Basin), DOBRE-3 (PANCAKE profile through the Carpathians). After defending her doctoral thesis Yegorova T.P. published as a co-author 45 articles, including 27 papers in leading European journals such as Geophysical Journal International, Tectonophysics, Geological Society of London. The papers of Yegorova T.P. are well known to the scientific community, as evidenced by the index of citation (h = 14) of her work in the Scopus system and the RG Score index of 28.3 in the Research Gate system.
In 20015 she was awarded the State Prize in the field of science and technology for collective work "Structure and dynamics of geophysical fields as a reflection of the evolution and interaction of geospheres in Antarctica".
Main directions of scientific activity of T.P. Yegorova - gravity modeling, methodology and construction of regional three-dimensional models of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle, study of the lithosphere structure, geodynamic interpretation of geophysical data. Her main achievements relate to construction of a three-dimensional regional density model of the European and North Atlantic lithosphere; development of a method of three-dimensional regional modeling; construction of three-dimensional density models of the crust and upper mantle for the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions, Western Antarctica, Western Europe and Ukraine; and comprehensive interpretation from the view point of the evolutionary-historical approach.
T. P. Yegorova is an active participant of international projects. During 1994-2001, she participated in three INTAS projects. She participated in the EUROPROBE program of the European Science Foundation; her works were awarded with grants from the International Science Foundation (founded by J. Soros) in 1993, 1994 and 1995.
In general, during 1998-2009, she spent the year at the University of Hamburg (Germany), where she worked in the project on studying the structure of the Earth's crust of the Eastern Mediterranean. In 2004-2005, as a visiting scientist, she worked under a contract at the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Germany, in a German project to study the deep-seated structure of the Central European sedimentary basin system (DFG-SPP 1135 project "3D Structural Modeling and Basin Analysis of the Central European Basin System between the North Sea and Poland ").
In 2003-2006 she participated in the Black Sea Research Project within the framework of MEBE (Middle East Basin Evolution) program. In 2009-2013, as a member of team of Institute of Geophysics, she participated in two projects of the DARIUS program. In 2014-2017 she was a coordinator of the Ukrainian team on the IRG project "South Caucasus Geosciences". Since 1995 she takes an active part in international scientific conferences. Scientific results of Yegorova T.P. have been published in 98 works, including 40 papers in the leading scientific journals of Europe.
List of selected papers of Yegorova T.P. for last 5 years (2013-2018).
1. Yegorova T., Gobarenko V., Yanovskaya T. 2013. Lithosphere structure of the Black Sea from 3D gravity analysis and seismic tomography // Geophysical Journal International, 2013, 193, 287-303. 2. Makris, Ja., Papoulia, J., Yegorova, T., 2013. A 3-D density model of Greece constrained by gravity and seismic data // Geophysical Journal International, 2013, 194, 1-17. 3. Yegorova T., Bakhmutov V., 2013. Crustal structure of the Antarctic Peninsula sector of the Gondwana margin around Anvers Island from geophysical data // Tectonophysics, 2013, 585, 77-89. 4. Yegorova T., Pavlenkova G., 2014. Structure of the upper mantle of Northern Eurasia from 2D density modeling on seismic profiles with peaceful nuclear explosions // Tectonophysics, 2014, 627, 57-71. 5. Starostenko V.I., Janik T., Yegorova T. et al., 2018. Lithospheric structure along the wide-angle seismic profile GEORIFT 2013 in Pripyat-Dnieper-Donets Basin (Belarus and Ukraine) // Geophysical Journal International, 212, is. 3, 1 March, p. 1932–1962, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggx509