SemenovaJuliiaVladimirovnawas born in April 3, 1983 in BilaTserkva. She entered Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv at the geology faculty in 2001. In 2006, received higher education in specialty of geophysics. The same year she began her labor activity at the Institute of Geophysics by S.I. Subbotin name of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the department of seismic hazard. During 2015-2016 she was a postgraduate student at the Institute of Geophysics. In Octovber 2016, SemenovaJuliia defended the Ph.D. thesis on the topic "The method of resonance properties of soil complex assessment for seismic microzoning" under the guidance ofmember-correspondent A.V.Kendzera. CurrentlySemenovaJuliia has 32 scientific publications. The sphere of scientific interests:seismichazard, seismicmicrozoning, mathematicalmodelling, nonlinearsoilproperties, frequencyresponses of soils, resonancepropertiesofsoils