Demyanenko Valentina Borysivna graduated in 1985 at the Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute. OM Gorky at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Total work experience of 37 years, including 11 years in the scientific field.
From 2010 to 2013 she studied at the graduate school of the Institute of Information Technologies and Teaching Aids of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, specialty 13.00.10 - "Information and Communication Technologies in Education".
She defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, on the topic: "Methods of organizing the process of research activities of students of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine using online electronic platforms." Supervisor of the dissertation research is a full member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Bykov V. Yu.
The dissertation is devoted to the development of computer-oriented methodical system of support of research activity of students of IAS of Ukraine, content, methods, forms and means of construction of network personalized computer-integrated information-development environment of IAS of Ukraine for increase of efficiency of educational and research process of IAS students. Of Ukraine.
Since November 2011 he has been working as a researcher in the department of information and didactic modeling of the National Academy of Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In November 2015, she was transferred to the position of Senior Research Fellow of the Information and Didactic Modeling Department of the National Academy of Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and in August 2016 to the position of Head of the Information and Didactic Modeling Department. For the period from 2011 to the present Demyanenko VB participated as a performer and responsible performer in the following topics: Creation of knowledge-oriented software and information tools for the formation of variable functioning information and educational environments of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2013-2015 .р .; Development of methods and means of formation and use of network systems of knowledge for creation of electronic platforms of virtual educational and research laboratories, 2014-2016; Creation of information-analytical system and methodical means of monitoring and evaluation of educational achievements of student's youth on the basis of ontologies of the decision of a problem of a choice, 2015-2017; Scientific and technological principles of creating a transdisciplinary ontological information and educational space of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2016-2018; Scientific and technological principles of creation and use of ontological means of forming a network-centric environment of virtual educational and research laboratories, 2017-2019; Scientific and technological principles of creating a transdisciplinary ontological information and educational space of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2018-2020
On these scientific topics performed and continues to perform research and scientific and technological development in the areas of creation and implementation of modern cognitive information technologies to support the educational process of open education: intellectual processes of analysis, structuring and classification of information resources for educational purposes; processes of forecasting, formation and development of modern knowledge bases.
Currently working on creating educational models for building a modern learning environment, educational tasks, the use of e-pedagogy in the information scientific and educational space of open education, based on which the creation of a single information and educational space of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; network-centric environment of virtual educational and research laboratories and scientific-methodical virtual STEM-center. The software tool "Editor of knowledge base scenarios" ( is designed to create various scenarios of knowledge bases of subject areas. The software tool "Graphic programming environment with logical R-schemes" was created, which is designed to study the logical foundations of programming and to support the development of software and electronic educational resources, received the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine .). Participation in the creation of a virtual museum dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the NAS of Ukraine, created virtual tours of the life of prominent scientists of the NAS of Ukraine, created more than 25 such ontological prisms. Methods of using intelligent hardware and software, means of ontological design of scenarios of educational interaction are created; means of the Internet portal of virtual educational and research laboratories for students and teachers in their research activities. Participates in the jury of the national stage of the international competition of scientific and technical creativity of schoolchildren Intel ISEF-2019: "POLYTECO Ukraine 2018-2019" in the Department of Computer Science. Coordinator of experiments at the all-Ukrainian level: "Scientific and methodological principles of forming a single network-centric information and educational environment of secondary schools of Ukraine" for 2017 - 2021; "Scientific and methodological principles of forming a network-centric environment" Museum Planet "in secondary schools" for 2016 - 2020; "Scientific and methodological principles of creation and operation of the All-Ukrainian scientific and methodological virtual STEM-center (VNMV STEM-center)" for 2016-2020. Executor of projects of NPU named after MP Drahomanov "Creation of a transdisciplinary environment for the implementation of scientific and educational discourses on the creative heritage of Ivan Franko"; "Creation of a cognitive ontological environment" Vasyl Sukhomlynsky in dialogue with modernity ".
He has more than 70 scientific works. The following works cover the most scientific research: 1. Demyanenko VB Ontological principles of formalization of information sources in e-learning environments. Journal “ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education” 6 (33), 2019, pp. 39-45; 2. Valentyna Demianenko Ontological Aspects of Formation of Open Education Systems. Theory and Practice of Science Education, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2019, p.102-111; 3. Demyanenko VB, Demyanenko VM Computer principles of open systems of adaptive learning. Volume 4 № 7 (2018): Adaptive control: theory and practice. Pedagogy. Available:; 4. Demyanenko VB, Demyanenko VM Ontological aspects of educational services of adaptive learning. Scientific notes: [collection of scientific articles]. Kyiv: MP Drahomanov National Pedagogical University Publishing House, 2017. Issue XXXXIII (133). Pp. 68-78 .; 5. Demyanenko VB, Velbytsky IS Programming without programming languages. Graphic polyglot programming concept. Scientific journal of NPU named after MP Drahomanov. Series №2. Computer-based learning systems: Coll. Science. wash. K .: NPU named after MP Dragomanova, 2017. № 19 (26). Pp. 19-25. ; 6. Demyanenko VB, Polikhun NI Research activities of student youth as a guarantee of successful development of Ukrainian society. Pedagogical innovations: ideas, realities, perspective. Collection of scientific works. Issue 2. K .: Institute of the Gifted Child, 2016 P. 57-63 .; 7. Demyanenko VB, Demyanenko VM, Strizhak OE Open education in the challenges of today. Education and upbringing of a gifted child: theory and practice Collection of scientific works. Issue 2. K .: Institute of the Gifted Child, 2016 P. 49-55 .; 8. Information and educational resources. Capsules of knowledge: a collective monograph / ed. SO Dovgy, OE Strizhak; NAS of Ukraine [etc.]. Kyiv: Institute of Gifted Children of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 2019. 162 p .; 9. Demyanenko VB, Savchenko IM Formation of electronic information and educational resources to support the research work of student youth on the basis of a transdisciplinary approach. The 7th International scientific and practical conference «Scientific achievements of modern society» (March 4-6, 2020) Cognum Publishing House, Liverpool, United Kingdom. 2020. 1091 p. R.459-466. URL: