Анотація:The taxonomy and distribution of calanoid copepods from the Arabian Sea region is reported, based upon samples collected in the Northwestern Indian Ocean within the framework of the Netherlands Indian Ocean Program (NIOP; 1992-1993), the U.S. Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (U.S. JGOFS; 1994-1996), and the U.S. Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics program (U.S. GLOBEC; 1995). Sixty species from the following genera are described, their distinguishing characteristics are illustrated, and representative photographs are presented: Calanoides, Canthocalanus, Cosmocalanus, Mesocalanus, Nannocalanus, Neocalanus, Undinula, Acrocalanus, Paracalanus, Parvocalanus, Eucalanus, Pareucalanus, Subeucalanus, Rhincalanus, Clausocalanus, Euchirella, Euchaeta, Haloptilus, Lucicutia, Metridia, Pleuromamma, Candacia, Acartia. Keys to species of the genera, and patterns of horizontal and vertical distribution of each species in the Arabian Sea are also given.
Анотація: Keywords: Taxonomy, Distribution, Arabian Sea, Copepoda, Calanoida, Calanidae, Paracalanidae, Eucalanidae, Rhincalanidae, Clausocalanidae, Aetideidae, Euchaetidae, Augaptilidae, Lucicutiidae, Metridinidae, Candaciidae; Acartiidae.