Анотація:У монографії розглядаються особливості іконографії Юди Іскаріота в українському мистецтві XV—XVIII ст. та символіка його образу. В дослідженні зібрано та проаналізовано збережені пам’ятки образотворчого мистецтва з музейних та приватних збірок, з іконостасів та розписів храмів на теренах України та Польщі. Обґрунтовуються риси оригінального образу Юди в українському мистецтві, які проявляються в характері зображення його зовнішності, міміки, жестів, кольорового трактування.
Анотація:The monograph examines the features of the Judas Iscariot`s iconography in the 15th—18th centuries Ukrainian art and the symbolism of Judas’s image. The study collected and analyzed the preserved pieces of fine art from museum and private collections, from iconostases and wall paintings of temples on the territory of Ukraine and Poland. The image of Judas Iscariot in Ukrainian painting of the fifteenth — eighteenth centuries developed into an original Ukrainian type of depicting the traitor apostle. The iconography of his image developed at the meeting point of the Byzantine canon and the West European artistic tradition.The specificity of the image of Judas Iscariot in Ukrainian art of the period under study consists in the following: in iconographic sense, the image of Judas has many common features with European examples; however, stylistically its originality is manifested: in characteristic appearance, facial expressions, elements of kinetics, and coloristic treatment; from the point of view of symbolism of the image of Judas one can observe that the negative attitude towards, and condemnation of, Judas, traditional for European culture, manifested in Ukrainian art in a far from uniform fashion. In Ukrainian icons, the image of Judas became a unique «mirror» that, reflected the universal image of a sinful person, of an evil-doer, understandable to the common populace.In Ukrainian art, the image of Judas Iscariot moved beyond iconography and became one of culture’s constituent elements. Besides sacred art, it found its reflection also in folklore and in belles letters. The relevance of the image of Judas for Ukrainian culture was always timeless and remains such to this day. The complex historical and socio-political events aid in culture and art’s repeated turn to the image of the traitor. However, it is important that the image of Judas Iscariot is not perceived superficially, but increasingly provokes reflection, doubt, and exploration of the notions of betrayal and faithfulness, of good and evil.