Studing of the depth structure, tectonic geodynamics of the continental and ocean lithosphere by the geophysical methods (seismic and gravimetric).
Working out of the theory, methods equipment, automated systems of provide of geophysical investigation and processing and interpretation of the results.
Carrying out of the geophysic investigations of the environment with the aim of studying and prognosis seismic danger and other threatening natural phenomena
Studying of the basic principles of the non equilibrium geophysics and its using for the working out of the new technologies and intensification of the engineering of the hydrocarbons exploitation
geochemistry of processes of rock and ore formation, search geochemistry and geochemistry of the environment
regional and genetic mineralogy, physics of minerals, nanonomerology
petrology of endogenous processes
geology, metallogeny and forecasting of mineral deposits of Ukraine
теорія нафтогазоутворення та формування покладів і родовищ нафти, газу, метану в вугільних пластах і сланцевого газу
геологічна і геохімічна палеоокеанографія давніх континентальних окраїн
геоекологія та розробка наукових засад енергоефективних геотехнологій
геохімія, термобарометрія флюїдів мінералоутворюючого середовища
розробка наукових основ регіональної системи екологіного моніторингу
розробка наукових основ регіональної системи екологічного моніторигу
оцінка та прогноз екологічних наслідків застосування технологій та схем розміщення гірничопромислового виробництва
Carrying out of hydrophysical studies
Formation and maintenance of automated oceanographic data bank, improvement and development of the technology for collecting, processing, ensuring the long-term archiving, system analysis and exchange of oceanographic information
Organization and carrying out of complex (hydrophysical, hydrochemical, hydrobiological, marine geological and environmental) expeditionary researches by marine and river research vessels
Organization of maintenance (repair and modernization), use, utilization, construction (purchase) of self-propelled and non-self-propelled floating constructions (including research and small-size vessels) and other marine technical means, carrying
Theory and applied methods of the creation of information and analytical decision support systems, in particular, situational centers
Development of methods of mathematical modeling of hydrometeorological phenomena, environmental pollution, dynamics of ecosystems and creation on their basis of computer systems of forecasting and support of decision-making on ecological safety and rational nature management
Research, creation and implementation of information, communication technologies, neurotechnologies, information and cybersecurity technologies for various information processing systems, including automation systems for management of equipment and technological process, and sophisticated computer s