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The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Physics
Scientific Staff
Scientific Staff
Перелік працівників за посадами, освітньо-кваліфікаційним рівнем тощо
Scientific Directions
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NAS Ukraine
About NASU
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Book Series
Centers for Collective Use of NAS of Ukraine
International cooperation
Personal Site
Postgraduate and Doctoral Education
Державні нагороди та відзнаки
НАН України
Наукові та науково-популярні заходи НАН України
Наукові та науково-прикладні розробки
Центри колективного користування приладами НАН України
Інформаційне наповнення сайту
Doctors of Sciences
Current staff
Scientific Departments Staff
Academicians and Corresponding Members of NAS of Ukraine
Senior Scientists
Senior Researchers
Associate Professors
Doctors of Sciences
Doctors of Philosophy (Candidates of Sciences)
Young Scientists
Young Scientists - Doctors of Philosophy
Young Scientists without Scientific Degree
With state awards
With awards and honors of the NAS of Ukraine
Participants of competitions for young scientists
With the awards of the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR
Doctors of Sciences
Blonskyi Ivan V.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Bondar Mykhailo V.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Optics, Laser Physics)
Bondar Mykola Volodymyrovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Borsh Anatolij Olexandrovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Brodin Mikhailo Semenovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Buhaichuk Svitlana Anatoliivna
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Optics, Laser Physics)
Davidova Nadija Olexsandrivna
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Dmitruk Andriy Mukolayovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Dovbeshko Galina Ivanivna
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Gabovich Alexander M.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Gayvoronskij Volodimir Yaroslavovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Gnatenko Yuriy P.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Gnatyuk Olena Petrivna
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Goncharov Olexiy Antonovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Kadan Viktor Mikolayovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Klimusheva Gertruda V.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Morozovska Hanna M.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Naumovets Anton G.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physical Electronics)
Negriyko Anatoliy M.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Optics, Laser Physics)
Neimash Volodymyr B.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Odulov Sergii Georgij
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Poroshin Volodyvyr M.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Romanenko Victor Ivanovych
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Optics, Laser Physics)
Ryabchenko Serhiy M.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Sherbin Kostiantin Volodimirovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Smirnova Tatiana N.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Optics, Laser Physics)
Tomchuk Petro Mokhailovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Vasnetsov Mikhailo Viktorovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Yaskovets Ivan Ivanovych
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics)
Yatsenko Leonid P.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Optics, Laser Physics)
Yesilevskij Semen Olexandrovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Вайнберг Віктор Володимирович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Войтенко Олександр Іванович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Калита Віктор Михайлович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Мельник Володимир Іванович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Морозовський Микола Володимирович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Назаренко Василь Геннадійович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Molecular and Liquid Crystals)
Остапенко Ніна Іванівна
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Optics, Laser Physics)
Пергаменщик Віктор Михайлович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Molecular and Liquid Crystals)
Сологуб Сергій Васильович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Старков В’ячеслав Миколайович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods)
Теренецька Ірина Палладіївна
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Optics, Laser Physics)
Федорус Олексій Григорович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Чумак Олександр Олександрович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Шендеровський Василь Андрійович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics)
Яковкін Іван Миколайович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physical Electronics)
Relevance, completeness and validity of data is provided by
Institute of Physics
Інститут програмних систем НАН України
, 2023