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The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
National Science Center ‘Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology’
Scientific Staff
Scientific Staff
Перелік працівників за посадами, освітньо-кваліфікаційним рівнем тощо
Контактні дані та адреса установи
NAS Ukraine
About NASU
Apparatus of Presidiumof NASU
Book Series
Centers for Collective Use of NAS of Ukraine
International cooperation
Personal Site
Postgraduate and Doctoral Education
Державні нагороди та відзнаки
НАН України
Наукові та науково-популярні заходи НАН України
Наукові та науково-прикладні розробки
Центри колективного користування приладами НАН України
Інформаційне наповнення сайту
Doctors of Sciences
Current staff
Scientific Departments Staff
Academicians and Corresponding Members of NAS of Ukraine
Senior Scientists
Senior Researchers
Associate Professors
Doctors of Sciences
Doctors of Philosophy (Candidates of Sciences)
Young Scientists
Young Scientists - Doctors of Sciences
Young Scientists - Doctors of Philosophy
Young Scientists without Scientific Degree
With state awards
With awards and honors of the NAS of Ukraine
Participants of competitions for young scientists
With the awards of the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR
Doctors of Sciences
Andreev Anatoliy O.
Doctor of Technical Sciences
(Physics of Charged Particle Beams)
Azaryenkov Mykola O.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Bakai Oleksandr S.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Theoretical Physics)
Belous Vitaliy A.
Doctor of Technical Sciences
(Кристалографія та кристалофізика)
Bolotin Yuriy L.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Theoretical Physics)
Borz Borys V.
Doctor of Technical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Dikiy Mykola P.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Nuclear and Elementary Particles and High-Energy)
Garkusha Igor Ye.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Plasma Physics)
Grekov Dmytro L.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Plasma Physics)
Karnaukhov Ivan M.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Nuclear and Elementary Particles and High-Energy)
Khazhmuradov Manap A.
Doctor of Technical Sciences
(Design Automation)
Korchin Oleksandr Yu.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Nuclear and Elementary Particles and High-Energy)
Kushnir Volodymyr A.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Charged Particle Beams)
Kyryllin Igor V.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Theoretical Physics)
Levenets Volodymyr V.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Charged Particle Beams)
Neklyudov Ivan M.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Onyshchenko Ivan M.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Plasma Physics)
Papirov Igor I.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Metals)
Pylypenko Mykola M.
Doctor of Technical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Sayenko Sergiy Yu.
Doctor of Technical Sciences
(Materials Science)
Shirokov Borys M.
Doctor of Technical Sciences
(Кристалографія та кристалофізика)
Slyusarenko Yuriy V.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Theoretical Physics)
Sokolenko Volodymyr I.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Soliakov Dmytro H.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Plasma Physics)
Sotnikov Andrii H.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Theoretical Physics)
Stoev Petro I.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Strelnitskij Volodymyr Ye.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Charged Particle Beams)
Tkachenko Viktor I.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Plasma Physics)
Yuferov Volodymyr B.
Doctor of Technical Sciences
(Physics of Charged Particle Beams)
Zmiy Viktor I.
Doctor of Technical Sciences
(Кристалографія та кристалофізика)
Абизов Олександр Сергійович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Theoretical Physics)
Айзацький Микола Іванович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Radiation Physics and Nuclear Safety)
Березіна Галина Петрівна
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Plasma Physics)
Бондаренко Микола Вікторович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Theoretical Physics)
Буц Вячеслав Олександрович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Plasma Physics)
Ганн Володимир Васильович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Гук Іван Семенович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Charged Particle Beams)
Дубінко Володимир Іванович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Radiation Physics and Nuclear Safety)
Желтухін Олександр Олександрович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Theoretical Physics)
Калініченко Олександр Іванович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Charged Particle Beams)
Кириченко Юрій Васильович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Plasma Physics)
Ковалевський Михайло Юрійович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Theoretical Physics)
Коваленко Григорій Дмитрович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Nuclear and Elementary Particles and High-Energy)
Красовицький Віталій Борисович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Charged Particle Beams)
Купленніков Едуард Леонідович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Nuclear and Elementary Particles and High-Energy)
Кутовий Володимир Олександрович
Doctor of Technical Sciences
(Physics of Charged Particle Beams)
Магда Ігор Іванович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Charged Particle Beams)
Мазілова Тетяна Іванівна
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Мазманішвілі Олександр Сергійович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Charged Particle Beams)
Марченко Іван Григорович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Маслов Василь Іванович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Plasma Physics)
Меренков Микола Петрович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Theoretical Physics)
Моісеєнко Володимир Євгенович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Plasma Physics)
Нурмагамбетов Олексій Юрійович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Nuclear and Elementary Particles and High-Energy)
Огнівенко Володимир Всеволодович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Charged Particle Beams)
Пархоменко Олександр Олексійович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Metals)
Полуектов Юрій Матвійович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Theoretical Physics)
Решетняк Олена Миколаївна
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Рудаков Василь Андрійович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Plasma Physics)
Руденький Сергій Георгійович
Doctor of Technical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Саданов Євгеній Вікторович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Сотніков Геннадій Васильович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Charged Particle Beams)
Сухарєва Тетяна Віталіївна
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Solid State Physics)
Тарасов Олександр Миколайович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Theoretical Physics)
Толстолуцька Галина Дмитрівна
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Physics of Charged Particle Beams)
Трофименко Сергій Валерійович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Theoretical Physics)
Трубніков Сергій Вікторович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Туркін Анатолій Аркадійович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Theoretical Physics)
Уваров Вячеслав Лаврентійович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Radiation Physics and Nuclear Safety)
Чечкін Олексій Вікторович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Theoretical Physics)
Шебеко Олександр Вікторович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Theoretical Physics)
Шраменко Борис Іванович
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(Radiation Physics and Nuclear Safety)
Relevance, completeness and validity of data is provided by
National Science Center ‘Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology’
Інститут програмних систем НАН України
, 2023